This is my review for the BzzAgent Covergirl Blastflipstick Campaign.
Different Flipstick Shades |
It quickly dawned on me that no, Minx was not the shade for me. The color didn't look right on me. So next was Stunner. After some tweaking around with the make-up and blending of the colors, I decided "OK this looks sorta fine on me!" The orange-y color looked a tad odd though , I will say that but once you mess around with it the turn out is very nice. Made me feel a bit well, fancy . So after playing around it was time to try on the final shade, Vixen.
The name of it sounds awesome to me. Vixen. I imagine sexed up supermodels sporting this particular shade like it was an extension of their own being. Boy was I in for a bit of a let down. Maybe Hollywood is making me impressionable haha. So I messed around with this shade and like the first one, Minx, it was a bit of a disappointing experience. Or maybe I'm not too good at applying make-up on myself who knows.
I'm a darker shade of a girl and honestly the shades they sent me, though they are cool felt like they would greatly compliment someone of a lighter appearance. The whole metallic bit kinda stuck out to me and maybe because I'm not a glitter fan but after I removed said make-up I was annoyed that some glitter remained on lips. Hell on my cheeks in one occasion lol.
So all in all, I will and still and recommending this product to my friends and to some of the moms I know. It is fun to apply, tweak and overall mess around with them in an attempt of finding that perfect shade that would look awesome on me , but unfortunately it just didn't happen. I hated the subtle smell that the lipstick left on my lips. Did anyone else experience that? Even after I was done wearing them and had cleaned myself up, this light plastic-ish smell remained on me. It was a bit of a puzzling annoyance.
I did go out and wear these products during normal outings to try and test out how long I could last without having to do multiple touch-ups or having to reapply . So far the longest was two hours. After two hours I found myself needing to touch up my lips so they could look nice again. I'm going to ask friends who also tried this product to see if I can compare notes, I want to know if anyone else thought that their lips smelled funny while wearing Covergirl's Blast Flipsticks.
Overall I really loved the way the colors looked on me, but they didn't feel great. I'm sensitive to drying, and I felt they dried very uncomfortably. I too noticed a smell, but that goes away fairly quickly or maybe I just got used to it. Overall, I really liked them. I'm sorry you didn't get a color that's right for you. :-( Maybe your coupon can lead you to something better.