Tuesday, November 20, 2012

It's my birthday!

It's been fun so far! Alex took care of dinner and made a cake too.

I feel spoiled <3

Even Rei behaved today!

I'm still waiting for my BzzKits, I noticed that a couple of people mentioned receiving theirs so I'm assuming I'll get mine later this week? I did get some random freebies though.

Two 4-packs of Airborne Samples
My Parents subscription started
A Thit! Tshirt

And some random coupons.

Turkey Day is in a couple of days, I'm nervous. Tomorrow I'm defrosting the bird so I can let it marinade for an entire day. We also have to go pick up my sister. She'll be staying with us until Saturday I believe.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Another Walgreens freebie!

FREE--8×10 Photo Print at Walgreens

Simply use the code FREE2THANK at checkout

Offer ends 11/24.

Be sure to use the in-store pick up service so that your picture is 100% free!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Bzz bzz!

I joined a new BzzCampaign today!

Earlier this week I had joined the Afrin Stick up for yourself campaign and now today I joined the COVERGIRL BLASTFLIPSTICK campaign.

I'm actually quite happy to try this lipstick because like I've mentioned before, my psoriasis makes me super picky about anything I apply to myself.

So hopefully this makeup will be awesome. Just like my last campaign, expect a blog review sometime in the near future.

And hey, maybe even a picture xD

Monday, November 12, 2012


I was suppose to try out an apple pie recipe I found online over the weekend but forgot! :(

Maybe I'll try to make it this week, I'd really love to make this pie for turkey day though. Speaking of turkey, over the weekend I bought one of the main dishes for Thanksgiving while the store was having a sale. Next weekend I'll buy the rest of my holiday shopping.

Lol a couple of friends were mentioning the other day how housewife-ish I've become through the year. Planning menus, budgeting, trying not to kill rei because she suddenly refused to potty anymore ...

I don't know if that was a compliment or not, but fuck it.

So here's what I'm planning on cooking for this year's Thanksgiving:

Honey glazed ham
Lemon Pepper Chicken
Garlic mashed potatoes
Pumping Pie
Apple Pie
Dinner Rolls

I want to include a second side dish but I can't think of one. Oh well, I'm sure it'll come to me.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

One Day Only!!!

Cardstore is having a ONE DAY (11/8) ONLY offer : get TEN free holiday cards when you use the code CCN2433 at check out!

I love their store everything is customized for you. Hurry get your cards ordered before the day is out :D

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Mario Badescu

My sample kit arrived!!!

Their stuff is great I might actually buy their products lol. If you ordered it, be warned it took a month for my package to arrive in the mail.

When it finally came though I won't deny, I was pretty psyched. My package came with 5 different product samples and so far they've been awesome on my skin.

When your package arrives, hopefully you'll be as pleased as I was :)

The holidays are almost here!

Yay! In already planning my Thanksgiving meal and what I'm going to gift this year.

For Christmas, I've been hunting PDF books almost all year long. I plan on gifting books this year, hopefully that doesn't seem too weird.

Man I've been trying to be consistent with Rei and her potty training and I have to say it is hard! It doesn't help that this kid likes to run around naked when I'm not watching. Ugh. The messes I've had to clean! *shudder*

I know I haven't posted any freebies in a while, for that I apologize. Right now though I've been busy with home life and I haven't had the time to freebie hunt as much.