Monday, August 13, 2012

Busy day today

We came home late from Los Angeles.  We didn't get to bed until maybe 3 a.m. I feel bad for Alex since he had to go to work later that morning. The good thing, I guess is that he came home at midday so he only worked six hours. With this heat it's almost impossible to do anything during the day it sucks. I need to go buy meat and fruits but I can't leave the apartment. I'm hoping it blows over eventually.

LA was fun. Sad as hell, but fun. We arrived Saturday night and spent the night at Gretel's. I'm kinda under the impression that Jason doesn't like me, but I'm not hurting over it. Her kid is so big! I hope the clothes I brought him fit.  :)

Spent Sunday with my Mom, visited my Aunts church too.  We took the kids out to the park, it was pleasant just to hang out. We took pictures too. 

I don't want August to end.

I'm not sure I'll be able to handle it to be honest.

My mom gave me a bunch of kitchen things. Appliances, silverware and glass/crystalware.

But not everything was good. Due to the heat, in the one day we were gone bugs got into the apartment. So today I spent the day cleaning, reorganizing, and throwing crap out.  Laundry was done too.

Man, what a long day. I still have plenty to clean tomorrow, so ugh.

Oh yeah, got another freebie in the mail. Press on Acrylic nails

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