YSL Volume Effet Faux Cils Mascara |
I'm back! This time I'm reviewing a beauty product that seems to be getting positive reviews from everyone I've read from so far, that's pretty exciting. Anyhow, the product I'll be writing about today is Yves Saint Laurent Volume Effet Faux Cils Mascara!! It can be found online for the price of $30-$32, at least according to Google Shop. According to the YSL Website you can buy it multiple colors which include:
High Density Black, Extreme Blue, Burgundy, Rich Brown, Deep Night and
Fascinating Violet.
Right off the bat I'll say I LOVE it. My lashes have never been anything to take a second look at and adding to that the fact that I wear glasses well I've never been one to really splurge on mascara. I've always figured why shell out for the good stuff if it'll be hidden anyways.
Yeah this mascara made me reconsider this.
Right off the bat, when I took it out of it's package I was impressed by how it looks. As one friend put it, it reminds her of a wand which I agree. The mascara is thick and looks pretty promising when you first open it. It also has a lotion-like smell. You know how when you open up a tube it has that kind tell-tale scent that sometimes seems a bit medicine-ish? Well not this one, it was a pleasant and soft scent that I'm happy didn't bug me since sometimes fragrances like that bug me and/or give me headaches.
YSL Mascara out of the package |
I played around with the tube for a bit and I don't know if anyone else would agree, but it felt a tad heavy. Not like I'm going to hurt someone if I drop it, but like it had some mass to it. I like that. Somehow it makes the tube feel reassuring and gives it a quality feel to it. At least this is my impression anyway.
The brush had a thick coating of the mascara when I first opened it, I'm taking that a a good sign. Or at least as something promising.
The moment of truth was when I put on that first coat. Again, it smelled pretty pleasant though I'm going to point out that the fragrance scent became a bit strong once I was wearing it but it was something that quickly passed thankfully. The first application didn't exactly 'WOW' me but you could definitely see it was present. My eyelashes weren't pooping out but they were present enough that I could see that they looked a bit thicker.
Me wearing the Mascara. Don't I look cute? |
Definitely more present with this mascara than my regular go-to.
The second application is definitely my favorite. Thicker eyelashes but not so thick that they seem too over the top. In the picture that's me with two coats on. Now some people on FB weren't too pleased and argued that the second coat should be A LOT thicker but I disagree. For me the first coat is me testing waters, and the second coat is me getting comfortable with this mascara. I love it, I think it flatters me like this and this is how I wear it now. Two coats.
Applying a third coat of the stuff seemed pretty unlikely for me, but I figured I might as well try it and see if any difference. Well my eyelashes were significantly thicker by then, but also heavier. Like I caked on enough to make them feel heavy, not to mention this is when things started to get a but messy for me, I stained my glasses when I put them back on. At least with the first and second coat my glasses weren't affected by them. Coat #3 does give you nice full lashes though, so I'm assuming that might be perfect number of applications for some.
Like I said in the beginning of the post, I loved it. It's so far my favorite mascara this year and I think I just might end up switching over to this as my regular. My only I guess complaint was the price tag, especially after I saw it was over $20, for that I was expecting to be wowed away on the first application but it still did a good job. I'm definitely interested in trying out the Blue and Violet colored mascaras to see just how much the color would pop out and/or if they'd compliment me. I am also worried that it might dry up quickly, but I won't know until it happens until then I am keeping track of how long I'll be using it before I need to replace it.
If you're interested in buying yourself the YSL Volume Effet Faux Cils Mascara, I provided a link below which will take you the the YSL online store, you'll also be able to check out what other colors are available there.
Hope you enjoyed my post and sorry if it was a bit winded but I wanted to be as thorough as a could be :)
*As always, Influenster provided me with a free sample in exchange for a review. Any opinions in this blog and/or post are mine alone.
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