Saturday, September 29, 2012

It's almost October :3

Yaaaay!!!! Halloween is almost among us!  We've already bought Rei her costume and candy bucket. I'm hoping it looks as cute as the picture in the package or I'm gonna be pissed. I also bought some random decorations to tape on our door lol. I wanna bake cookies and make vampire cupcakes and chocolate cake! Though I know I won't because we'd never eat it all and we don't associate with anyone to share.

So Alex didn't work all week.

Remember how I was bitchy and not too happy about it? Well,  I ate my words. That same night I posted I came down with a horrible fever. Up until yesterday, I was too sick to do anything but lay on bed, drink Powerade and feel like shit. He was a trooper about it, took care of Rei, the apartment and cleaning/cooking. 

It almost feels like Karma wanted to teacher me a lesson. A painful, foggy, annoying lesson.

Oh yeah I joined a book club on that momsite I hang out in. I love it so far!

Free tea samples!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Free Halloween eCookbook


Includes 34 different recipes! Just click the link and DL no need to sign up for anything! Perfect for that upcoming Halloween party!!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Might be a long week.....

So I just found out that Alex might be off the entire week. That sucks. We're probably going to be late with rent pay by the looks of it....ugh. I can't believe I'm saying this but I wish that the heat would come back. It's been pretty humid out here lately , but with not much sun.

The problem with that is that no heat means that the vineyards might take a little longer to ripen and if there is no ripe fruit, well Alex and his workers have nothing to do. I'm starting to believe that I'm not allowed to be too happy about anything or bad stuff happens. This I take as an example. We'd just our bed and were starting to get ready for Halloween and bam! Suddenly the heat dies down and work slows to an almost stop for him.

Maybe I'll just stick to being passive aggressive bitchy 24/7

Dead Island Riptide trailer

Has anyone seen it? It made me sad ;_;

Why must their game trailers be sad? 

It was such a short trailer though, I was hoping for some gameplay but I guess that won't happen yet so I'll settle for the random art that's around the net. I tried asking on twitter if this game would have local co-op besides the online option but never received a reply. So I'm going to assume that it's still not an option.

I heard that you'll have the option of data transfer into the new game which would of been awesome for me if my data had not been deleted. So if we get the game I'm starting from scratch.

I wonder who the 5th character could be, if I recall at the end of D.I. the group leaves with Charon and that one native girl I forgot her name. Maybe it'll be one of them?

Monday, September 17, 2012

Free skin care sample

Just fill out the form and you're good to go!

Mailbox love

Hello, hello!!

I trust everyone is doing well ;)

Just stopping by to say hi and whatnot.

So since I Last blogged, my mailbox has been receiving lots and lots of love! By love I mean freebies btw. If you have been following the links I have posted, your freebies should also have arrived by now.  The items I have received so far are :

x3 Silver hoop earrings
1 Silver heart necklace
x2 Atkins Kits
1 Wet! Water based lubricant
x2 EmergenC packages

And my orders from ThreadUp also arrived this weekend! I didn't pay for the outfit on the right, the dress I paid .50¢

Not bad if I say so myself!

I know there was a freebie going around for free contact lenses. Did anyone catch it?

Saturday, September 8, 2012

I'm still here!!

Sorry I haven't updated lately but it's been a busy week.

I was sick, Rei was sick and with me going to L.A. I haven't been in the mood to blog lately. Don't loose faith in me though I will be back!!

Consider this a mini hiatus from my ranting :)

I'll still post freebies if I can though!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Help us win!!

(1) Gerber Generation Photo Search on Facebook

Vote for Reila to win in the Gerber generation contest. To find her simply search for Reila under the TODDLER category!

This is a Facebook contest, please vote and share this!! You can vote daily, so please keep voting for Rei!!!!